Before coming to Discovery House, I was running out of time and options.
Luckily, I hadn’t burned any bridges, but I was only weeks away from the house
of cards crashing down on my head. Up until recently, I was maintaining my
addiction with no outside help financially. I was self-sustaining and to me this
meant I didn’t have a problem, especially with addiction. The truth was I was
miserable, exhausted, and ready to let go. I couldn’t maintain the facade any
longer. Had I not gotten into Discovery House when I did, my life would look
drastically different and not for the better. I would most likely have lost my
house or had to sell it to avoid serious financial fall out. Addiction and gambling
were about to take it away.
Getting into Discovery House was exactly what my life needed and a saving
grace. For the first time in my life I have hope and faith in a future and a desire
to get there. Although it's different from how I've lived the last 14 or 15 years
of my life, it is amazing to see and feel the possibility of a future free from
addiction where I can retake control of my life. I am grateful for Discovery
House and all that it is showing me.
Wyatt - 34 days in the house